Trust, transparency and our reputation for having the highest ethical standards together constitute the single most important asset for Eden Capital Management, LLC ("ECM") and for Douglas T. Eden, Principal. As a Registered Investment Advisor, ECM has a fiduciary interest to put each client’s needs before its own, to avoid conflicts of interest and, if they do occur, to disclose them immediately.
Client privacy is maintained both through ECM’s not sharing or distributing client personal information as well as through all client accounts being held individually under the custodianship of a nationally recognized financial brokerage firm, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). Any custodian firm utilized by ECM on behalf of a client, including Schwab does not have any relationship with ECM whereby ECM receives compensation from the custodian in any way other than through access to research reports that are generally available to custodian firm clients.
A copy of ECM’s Privacy Statement and Code of Ethics is available to any client upon request.
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